Monday, March 30, 2020

Should I Pay For My Childs 4th Grade Tutoring?

Should I Pay For My Child's 4th Grade Tutoring?Many parents want to save money on 4th grade tutoring when they have to pay for their child's school fees and books as well. To that end, they often look for tutoring centers that offer reduced rates. Unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous tutors that only want to charge the bare minimum in order to get a large student base and a steady stream of clients.Luckily, there are other options to help parents who are short on funds to pay for their child's school fees and books. Local community colleges may be able to help you get a tutor that will also be able to offer your child extra credit towards his or her college degree. Unfortunately, many community colleges do not offer any discounts, but these tutors may be willing to work with your schedule and be flexible in terms of payment.By offering a discounted rate, a tutoring center can save both time and money for parents by allowing them to spend more time focusing on their children's a cademic needs while their student's ability to focus on independent study is assessed. Parents should also consider several different tutoring agencies before making a decision on what to use. While many tutoring centers are the same, there are some in-house tutors who charge significantly more than tutors from outside of the agency. In order to get the best possible rate for your child, parents should compare rates and meet with several tutors before making a final decision.The best way to choose a student is to look at the academic achievements and extracurricular activities of the child and the student's ability to get an A or B in the class. Once parents know what the grading expectations are, they will be able to make an informed decision about which student to select. In order to get the most out of tutoring, it is important to make sure the student is attending school regularly and that his or her tutor is on time to each session. This is especially important if parents feel the student may notbe paying attention during the lesson and might need additional attention.Because of the affordable rates offered by local community colleges, many parents choose to hire tutors from their own community. Of course, parents should also be aware that many tutors may not accept their students from their community. It is often difficult to find good tutors locally, but even so, a few good agencies exist that accept local students. This means that parents can save money on their children's school fees by having their child attend a community college instead of attending public school.Parents who want to get the most out of their child's tutoring should be committed to their students. In addition to making sure the student is well-disciplined, parents should make sure that the student is making progress towards their educational goals. Doing this can mean working harder in the classroom and performing better in the class.Although local community colleges can be expensiv e, there are some excellent tutoring programs available. This is especially true if parents want to go the distance in helping their child with their academic struggles. If parents are only concerned about the rates, they should take into account that the prices for tutoring can vary considerably depending on the student and the tutor. Parents should also be aware that the tutoring center is not the only place that parents will need to be concerned about when trying to get the most out of their child's tutoring.Parents should check with their student's teachers to find out what kind of accommodations they need in order to attend class on time. Often, the student's teachers may be willing to help parents prepare a schedule that includes a range of activities for the student. At the very least, the student's teacher should be willing to speak with the student's parents about the possibility of additional help with extra credit programs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Young Leader Becomes Empowered Through Self-Learning

Young Leader Becomes Empowered Through Self-Learning Young Leader Becomes Empowered Through Self-Learning Temi, 13-years-old, Math Level K At 13-years-old, Temi keeps a packed schedule of school, soccer, basketball, and even guitar lessons. But what really sets Temi apart from other students is his natural gift of being a leader. When we think of qualities of a strong leader, things like inspirational, committed, confident, and excellent decision-making are all things that come to mind. Temi happens to possess some of these characteristics â€" making him a natural born leader. Whether Temi is on the soccer field leading the team to victory, or tackling new concepts in school, he always gives it his all. When Temi enrolled in Kumon, he not only began studying above his grade level, he also developed a level of independence â€" thrusting him to new heights. “Kumon has helped me become a leader in and out of the classroom,” said Temi. “I’m able to make better decisions for myself, and think critically, quickly and outside of the box.” As an inspiration to his peers, Temi was nominated as the class representative for student council. His leadership skills were even recognized by Temi’s school, as he was selected to attend the Ontario Educational Leadership Centre â€" a program to empower and educate young leaders. Temi has a unique ability to persevere through any challenge, and his own success continues to be his number one motivator. When Temi found out he was one of 56 students selected for Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois, he couldn’t help but be proud of his accomplishment. “When I came home and found out I was selected for the Student Conference, I wanted to celebrate,” said Temi. “I remember thinking, “Wow, I did it. I really did it.” Temi and the rest of the attendees had the opportunity to learn from each other through educational activities designed to foster team building, group discussion, critical thinking and creativity. Temi shares highlights from his Kumon journey and reveals the secret to his motivation. What’s the most beneficial thing you’ve gained in Kumon? The most beneficial part of Kumon is that it has pushed me to new levels and unlocked my full potential. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? Kumon has boosted my confidence and it has shown me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Kumon has also sharpened my critical thinking skills. By setting a time goal for my work, I can see a question and be able to solve it correctly. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Lifesaving. Who’s your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration has always been myself. It’s up to me to succeed. I fuel my strive, hunger, and reach my goals. What’s your favorite book and why? My favorite book series is “A to Z Mysteries” by John Steven Gurney. I love this series because I’m a fan of mystery books and learning about the unknown. What was your experience like at the 2019 Kumon Student Conference, and what was your favorite part? The Student Conference was a great experience, especially getting to meet other Kumon Students like me! I really enjoyed the debate activity, and hearing from others who share the same opinion as me. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? No matter what, keep going because Kumon really does help you. If you complete the program, it will be a great building block for anything else you do in life. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Soaring Imagination Fuels This Young Writer’s Creativity Future Leader is Inspired to Change the World This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills This Young Hockey Player is Making Strides On and Off The Ice Young Leader Becomes Empowered Through Self-Learning Young Leader Becomes Empowered Through Self-Learning Temi, 13-years-old, Math Level K At 13-years-old, Temi keeps a packed schedule of school, soccer, basketball, and even guitar lessons. But what really sets Temi apart from other students is his natural gift of being a leader. When we think of qualities of a strong leader, things like inspirational, committed, confident, and excellent decision-making are all things that come to mind. Temi happens to possess some of these characteristics â€" making him a natural born leader. Whether Temi is on the soccer field leading the team to victory, or tackling new concepts in school, he always gives it his all. When Temi enrolled in Kumon, he not only began studying above his grade level, he also developed a level of independence â€" thrusting him to new heights. “Kumon has helped me become a leader in and out of the classroom,” said Temi. “I’m able to make better decisions for myself, and think critically, quickly and outside of the box.” As an inspiration to his peers, Temi was nominated as the class representative for student council. His leadership skills were even recognized by Temi’s school, as he was selected to attend the Ontario Educational Leadership Centre â€" a program to empower and educate young leaders. Temi has a unique ability to persevere through any challenge, and his own success continues to be his number one motivator. When Temi found out he was one of 56 students selected for Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference in Chicago, Illinois, he couldn’t help but be proud of his accomplishment. “When I came home and found out I was selected for the Student Conference, I wanted to celebrate,” said Temi. “I remember thinking, “Wow, I did it. I really did it.” Temi and the rest of the attendees had the opportunity to learn from each other through educational activities designed to foster team building, group discussion, critical thinking and creativity. Temi shares highlights from his Kumon journey and reveals the secret to his motivation. What’s the most beneficial thing you’ve gained in Kumon? The most beneficial part of Kumon is that it has pushed me to new levels and unlocked my full potential. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? Kumon has boosted my confidence and it has shown me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Kumon has also sharpened my critical thinking skills. By setting a time goal for my work, I can see a question and be able to solve it correctly. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Lifesaving. Who’s your biggest inspiration and why? My biggest inspiration has always been myself. It’s up to me to succeed. I fuel my strive, hunger, and reach my goals. What’s your favorite book and why? My favorite book series is “A to Z Mysteries” by John Steven Gurney. I love this series because I’m a fan of mystery books and learning about the unknown. What was your experience like at the 2019 Kumon Student Conference, and what was your favorite part? The Student Conference was a great experience, especially getting to meet other Kumon Students like me! I really enjoyed the debate activity, and hearing from others who share the same opinion as me. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? No matter what, keep going because Kumon really does help you. If you complete the program, it will be a great building block for anything else you do in life. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Soaring Imagination Fuels This Young Writer’s Creativity Future Leader is Inspired to Change the World This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills This Young Hockey Player is Making Strides On and Off The Ice

The ultimate guide to landing an English teaching job in France ?

The ultimate guide to landing an English teaching job in France ? Teaching English in France is a bit of a dream, right? Whether you’re curious about finding a rural school nestled in the Pyrenees or an International School in one of the cities like Lyon or Paris, the bread alone will be incentive enough to pack your bags and book a flight ??. France has a whole new world to offer international ESL teachers and bread really isn’t the main attraction. They have pastries too . Jokes aside, France is one of the nicest countries to spend a stint of time: mountains, quaint villages, bustling cities, vineyards, wine tastings, and a countrywide appreciation for the endless potential of butter. And when you’re done with oohing and ahhing over all that, this is the country where even their cliches are philosophical: c’est la vie, joie de vivre and je ne c'est quoi. Let’s face it, pretty much everything sounds better in French. It’s no wonder it’s one of the most romanticized countries in the world and a place where many English teachers dream of landing a teaching abroad job. Alright, spill! What’s the magic “teach-in-France” formula? If you’re looking to land an English teaching job in France there are a few ways to go about it and it’s largely going to depend on where you’re from. Oh and also, that you have the golden ticket (aka a TEFL certification). If you’re an English speaker from a European country, you can pretty much book a flight/train/boat, land on French shores and mosey around with a resume. But candidates coming from further afield are going to have to look into visas and teach abroad programs. We’ve got all the information you need on both below and links to useful resources and programs that will make relocating to France that much easier! OKAY but I’m not European, how do I get a job teaching English in France? Calling all Americans, Canadians, South Africans, Jamaicans, Australians…you get the idea! There are a lot of non-European native English speakers that probably want to teach English in France and for this group of people, we would steer clear of just rocking up and expecting to find a job. France is not big on hiring English teachers under the table like other countries and you might end up on a return flight before you’ve even said Bonjour! C'est évident, je suis ici pour enseigner! Aside from Europeans, Canadians have perhaps the clearest route to teaching abroad in France as they’re eligible to apply for a working holiday visa. The visas are generally a year long and if teachers want to renew them and stay in France (and who wouldn’t want to stay in France?), they should do so two months before they expire. The only stipulations are that applicants are between 18 and 35 years old, have a Canadian passport and have sufficient financial resources to cover their set-up costs. Australians and New Zealanders should also be able to apply for a working holiday visa. Non-EU citizens (including Canadians) can also teach English on a student visa or applying for the TAPIF program. NOTE: If you’re an American teacher, then TAPIF is most likely your best bet! Recommended reading: My experience teaching English in France What are the requirements to teach in France? ? Teaching English in France has a number of requirements. Although there are as many exceptions as there are rules. It’s generally a good idea to have a TEFL certificate and a BA degree. Some teaching experience won’t go amiss either. That being said there are plenty of voluntary positions, summer camps and even online teaching opportunities which may be slightly more lenient when it comes to your qualifications. To sum it up: If you want to make sure you land a job teaching in France make sure you have a TEFL certificate and a degree! Otherwise, you may not get an opportunity to pack your bags and binge on baguettes. Side note: Who said you have to teach French students while living in France, with the lowish cost of living, you could always live in France and teach online. Or use teaching online to supplement your income. All the more money for wine we say! Just a thought! So, when is the typical hiring season for English teachers in France? If you’re planning to teach part-time, do freelance private sessions, teach online or just volunteer to teach English in France - the chances are you can easily get hired at just about any time of the year. A lot of local language schools and international schools prefer to hire in person around the end of the summer when school starts back (so from August to October) with a second hiring season in January. Summer camps tend to hire from January onwards to fill their summer slots. It completely depends on the type of school you want to teach at and it’s worth doing some research around the kind of school you want to teach at and when they generally hire. Read this: Typical hiring seasons for English teachers globally. Save before you go - you’ll need start-up dollars Particularly if your game plan is to land in France and see how it goes, you are going to need to have some savings. You probably won’t use them all, but setting yourself up in a new country is rarely cheap. From bedspreads to dishes, getting an apartment to a remotely livable standard isn’t cheap. You’ll need to cover flights, deposits and well… that slightly important substance called food. If you’re wondering how much money you need to bring, we’d say that about $3,000-$4,000 should cover everything comfortably for the first couple of months. But you could definitely survive on a lot less. Most of the money will go toward finding a place to rest your head at night and getting yourself set up in the country. If you live in Europe already, then long-haul flights won’t be a worry, but Canadian applicants are going to want to have enough money to get themselves to France. I can’t afford Paris, what else is out there? Plenty! Nothing brings greater joy than googling places to teach in France. The demand is such that you’re likely to have your pick of the cities. Some of the best cities to teach English in France are Toulouse, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nice, Marseille, Nantes, Montpellier and Strasbourg. But that list is by no means exhaustive! How will I find a place to live? One of the big tips for finding housing is to apply for CAF. This is a grant for people with low incomes or students, that could be helpful. It could be a bit of a pain and long-winded, so if you want the financial assistance be sure to apply for this as soon as you arrive. Some programs, like babylangues are happy to help their teachers with this sort of thing. Seeking accommodation is one of the most daunting parts of landing in a new country or well, you know, continent! The best thing to do is get a cheap hostel or airbnb while you get your bearings. Often schools will help you negotiate a better deal. It’s also wise to stay somewhere temporary until you know where you’ll be working. If you end up with two jobs at different ends of a city, plonking yourself in the middle might be the best solution.. A lot of teachers tend to get private hours in multiple schools and making sure you live somewhere that is convenient to all, is a major consideration. Public transport can be a lovely way to spend time seeing the city and listening to podcasts… but it can soon lose it’s gloss if you’re spending a disproportionate amount of time slouched on a bus/train. Where do I research schools? This one is easy, there are tons of jobs boards out there. Here are just a few places where you’ll be able to find jobs with French schools that might help you out! The TAPIF program website Pages Jaunes (or the yellow pages!) Teach Away Dave’s ESL Café ESLBase Babylangues Failing these, there is no harm in having a Google or Reddit perusal. Just because a job isn’t posted on a jobs board, it doesn’t mean nobody is hiring! Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. How much can I save teaching English in France This is going to be different for everyone. The typical private tutoring session will pay between $17-$22. How much you make and save will vary from teacher to teacher, and depend on how many hours you work, if you’re willing to work at multiple schools and if you do a bit of online teaching to supplement your income. That being said, if you’re really just there to see Europe, you can easily work lightish hours to cover the bills and spend your weekends railing around Europe. Train tickets in Europe aren’t that expensive and with a magical interrail pass - you could see a lot of the continent for a minimal expense. Some little tips to make that teaching resume sparkle ? The likelihood is that you’re going to need to send your CV/resume around to schools. Why not get it translated into French? And how about that cover letter too? It will make your application look like you are invested in getting a teaching job and respectful of the language and culture. On a similar note - schools are often looking for someone already in the area. So as soon as you land, look into getting a local number. Even if it’s just a case of unlocking your phone and getting a cheap SIM card with a French number. That way employers will not have to think twice about calling your number.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry Games Online

Chemistry Games OnlineOnline resources for chemistry games are becoming quite popular with the advent of the internet. These games can be played from a home or in a business environment. Chemistry games offer a fun and exciting environment that is conducive to learning. Besides, they can also be played at the comfort of your own home and can be played with friends or family members.Chemistry games include several types of games that range from simple photo jobs to more complex projects. Some of the most common games include Drano Solids, Live Chemistry and Rex Thermodynamics. Besides, there are also games like the Fluids, Photo Edits, Solids, Rotations, Structures, Elements, Gas, and other related games. Aside from those, there are also activities which include analyzing the chemical reaction, mixing the materials to make new molecules, mixing a substance and its properties, giving the two ingredients of an 'experiment' to study the reaction, as well as conducting the experiment. Som e of the activities include the Yield and Task-Act experiments, for instance.There are also games where you have to determine the name of the compound or to create a molecule. Such games include Man vs. Molecule, ChemML, Cornhole, and Asteroids. The number of games online varies and they range from simple to very difficult. Those who play these games online may get bored easily, because this helps one to learn more about chemistry.Online resources for chemistry games are increasingly getting popular because they offer something different from the traditional classrooms. At the same time, it also provides opportunities for learning. Playing an online game can be done in either a school setting or in a home setting. The good thing about playing these games is that they can be played at the comfort of your own home and you can also play them with your family members or friends. It can also be used to have fun.In addition, there are many types of games that involve chemistry. One such g ame is the Cradle Game that is very similar to Nihon Kinen Zoku, which is a traditional Japanese board game that is now known as the 'gemstone game'. Another type of game includes the Beat the Molecules, which is a competitive game where you have to beat all the molecules that are presented to you. A chemical reaction is also a part of the game.Chemistry games can also be played online through the help of chemistry software. These programs work by making sure that you know the formulas used in these types of games. For example, if you are making a chemical reaction, then these programs help you learn how to complete the chemical reaction. They also help to know the laws of thermodynamics.So, if you are interested in playing chemistry games online, then these are the best choices. All you need to do is to select the best game and get started!

Where Can You Use a Chemistry Degree?

Where Can You Use a Chemistry Degree?Do you have a chemistry degree and want to apply it in everyday life? There are so many ways to put a chemistry education to work. Chemistry is all about finding out how things work. We can learn about the difference between solvents and gasses, the interrelationships between them, and even how different reactions relate to one another by reading about the concept of chemistry.In today's world, we are inundated with plenty of things that have chemicals in them. Even the things that are made of plastic have to be coated with some sort of chemical. Learning chemistry will help us recognize the role that chemicals play in our everyday lives.If you have a chemical engineering degree, you may want to look into working as a chemical engineering consultant. You'll need to know the science behind the construction of a structure, such as buildings and pipelines. You can help these companies improve their designs by explaining to them how elements in materi als react and why.Chemical engineering isn't just useful in structures. It also helps engineers to keep track of different compounds that are used in many kinds of industries. It is vital to the industrial process because it determines how a compound interacts with other compounds and with matter at its surface.For example, how do you compare pesticides and herbicides? A chemistry degree is necessary to answer this question. A degree is needed to determine the chemical properties of each compound, such as how long it takes for a compound to break down, how damaging it is to plants, and how long it takes for something to damage its surroundings.If you have a college degree in chemistry, you can consider working as a chemical engineer for a common industry, like a pharmaceutical company. Chemical engineers are responsible for designing products that have been developed in collaboration with researchers. They are concerned with the ability of a product to interact with a variety of dif ferent substances. As an example, a pharmaceutical company might use a chemical that has been tested to help people with allergies to citrus fruits.The reason that a chemistry degree is a common thing is because it teaches the process of chemistry. Although your career may involve it, you can actually do a job of using it, too. This is how to use a chemistry degree to make a living!

Ultimate Guide to Studying French Pronunciation Online

Ultimate Guide to Studying French Pronunciation Online Megan L. Ask any student their biggest struggle  in learning French and youre guaranteed to hear one thing pronunciation. Pronunciation is one of the hardest aspects of learning any foreign language. As babies, our minds are very receptive to learning how to identify and reproduce the numerous sounds contained in a language. This ability diminishes early in childhood, making it more challenging for second language learners to learn how to accurately pronounce sounds that are not present in their native tongue. Native English speakers studying French usually have a harder time learning to pronounce the nasal vowels and French r.  French presents the additional challenge that a words  pronunciation typically does not match its spelling. There are many silent letters in French, particularly those at the end of the word. A word that looks long on paper may only be a single syllable when pronounced. When  you are first starting to learn French, this makes it challenging to know exactly how to say a word that you see. This is made even more difficult by liaisons, where these normally  silent consonants are suddenly pronounced when followed by a word starting with a vowel. To easily improve your French pronunciation online, check out the online classes that are led by live French instructors at TakeLessons Live. Here is a quick overview of French pronunciation done by a live instructor in a group class. Keep reading for even more helpful online resources! Improving Your French Pronunciation Online Do not get discouraged although French pronunciation can seem almost impossible to a  beginner, it is a skill that can be mastered with time and effort. With practice, French pronunciation will become easier. All you need to do is devote at least a few minutes each day to practicing speaking in French and improving your pronunciation. Before long, you will be surprised at how natural and easy saying things in French feels. French Pronunciation Guides These French pronunciation guides are a great way to learn proper French pronunciation. They also make great resources to reference when you have a question or want to review later. The French Alphabet: Every French learner has to start somewhere. The alphabet is the perfect place to start. This will serve as the foundation for everything else you will learn during your time studying French. This infographic contains the sound made by each letter. Time to start practicing your ah, bay, say. International Phonetic Alphabet: One of the most useful things that any language learner should do, regardless of what language they are studying, is learning how to read the International Phonetic Alphabet (also known as the IPA). Originally developed by a group of French teachers in the late 1880s, the International Phonetic Alphabet was created so that anyone could sound out how a word should be pronounced, regardless of what language they speak. IPA is included in almost any dictionary. By learning how to read the IPA, when you look up unfamiliar French words in the dictionary, you will easily be able to determine exactly how they are pronounced. French Phonetic Transcription Converter: Wondering how to pronounce a word, phrase, or block of French text? Copy and paste it into this phonetic converter, and you will be able to see the IPA symbols for each word. French Pronunciation by FSL Homework Toolbox: This guide covers every letter of the French alphabet, as well as accented letters and digraphs (two letters that make a unique sound  when used together). The chart lists the equivalent English sound (or their closest approximation for sounds that are not present in English) and an English word that uses this sound. It also provides several French words that contain this sound as an example. Spell and Sound Pronunciation Guides: This website has created a wealth of pronunciation guides for French students to reference. These guides are quick and easy to use. There is at least one guide available for almost every letter of the French alphabet. Liaisons: This guide by explains the rules concerning the French liaison. You will learn when you must use it and how it should sound when doing so. French Pronunciations You Wont Hear in School: Speakers of any language tend to shorten things when they are speaking without even realizing it. For example, a speaker of English may say doncha instead of clearly annunciating dont you. This guide explains some of these common shortcuts taken by French speakers. Learning these abbreviated forms will help you sound more like a native while also improving your listening comprehension. French Pronunciation Guide by Talk in French: This pronunciation guide provides explanations of almost every aspect concerning French pronunciation, including nasal vowels, accents, stress, and more. Videos are included throughout the guide to model and further expand upon the topics discussed. French Pronunciation  Audio These websites contain audio of words and sounds in French that you can listen to in order to hear the correct pronunciation and compare it to your own. Spell and Sound Audio Lounge: This compilation includes audio of native speakers demonstrating the correct pronunciations for the French alphabet, vowels, nasal vowels, consonants, semi-consonants, the French r, and more. If you are looking for a challenge, the site also has French tongue twisters. You might have to start out very slowly, but saying them again and again while gradually increasing your speed is an excellent technique for practicing pronunciation. French Phonetics: On this website, you will find a collection of French pronunciation  audios to listen to, as well as games and quizzes to test what you have learned. One unique feature of this website is that it can record your voice. This allows you to hear your own pronunciation alongside that of a native speakers. This direct comparison allows you to better judge your progress and make improvements. Phonetique: Although much of this website is in French, these audio examples are intended to help second language learners improve their pronunciation. It still should be pretty simple to navigate, even if you are new to the language. The site also includes games designed to help you practice what you have learned about the sounds and rhythm of French. French Audio Dictionary Whenever you encounter a word in French you do not know, it is important to look it up in the dictionary so you can learn what it means. By using an online French audio dictionary, you can also ensure that you will pronounce it correctly when you want to use it in your own conversations. Reverso: This online dictionary translates between English and French, as well as many other language pairs. Every entry includes definitions, translations, and example phrases and sentences, as well as audio clips of the pronunciation. Forvo: Forvo calls itself the pronunciation dictionary, with the tagline  All of the words in the world. Pronounced. The site currently contains audio recorded by native French speakers from around the world for over 100,000 French words and phrases. If you create a free account, you can add words to the list that you would like to hear pronounced and download mp3s of existing recordings.You can also return the favor by recording pronunciations for people trying to learn your native language. French Audio Dictionary: has compiled an audio dictionary featuring 2,500 of the most common French words you will encounter. allows you to learn new vocabulary and pronunciation simultaneously. You will find French vocabulary lists here that are focused on a specific topic, as well as word videos that show the words on the screen while playing the audio recorded by native speakers. The site also contains verb tables that demonstrate conjugations for regular and irregular verbs. Lawless French: Lawless French has many wonderful French-learning lessons and resources, including  pronunciation guides. Hear audio for each letter, common letter combinations, accents and more. French Listening Practice When  you are learning how to pronounce French words, practicing saying the words aloud is only one piece of the puzzle. Listening practice helps train your ear to recognize the sounds of the French language. By learning what the words should sound like, you can apply this to your pronunciation by attempting to mimic how the native speakers say them. RhinoSpike: At RhinoSpike, you can upload any French text that you would like to hear read aloud. You could input an article, story, or even something that you have written in French. Your request will be sent to a native speaker, who will make the recording and send it back to you as  an mp3  file. Although the service is free, there may be a queue. You can bump yourself up on the list by helping others on the site by recording readings of texts in your native language. Lyrics Training: If you love music, then you will love Lyrics Training. Watch a French music video while typing the lyrics in the box below. The site instantly checks your work. If you fall behind, the music will pause to allow you to catch up. If you have trouble understanding something, there is a button that allows you to rewind and listen to the current section again. You can choose how hard you want the game to be whether you only want to fill in the blanks for a few words or think you can do it all by yourself. This is also a great way to discover French music and immerse yourself in the culture. Duolingo: This free app quickly became extremely popular when it was first released a few years back. Although the game provides you with a variety of exercises during each lesson, some of these questions will ask you to listen to a sentence in French and type what you hear. There is a button that allows you to play the audio slower, if necessary. The app automatically grades your submission for accuracy and spelling before allow to move in the game. News in Slow French: This weekly podcast covers top news stories from around the world, as well as a brief segment at the end covering grammar, vocabulary, or an idiomatic expression used in the episode. One of the biggest advantages to this podcast is that, as the title suggests, the speakers speak at a slower pace than usual. This makes it easier for beginners to follow along and allows advanced students the opportunity to hear the words said slowly and clearly. Transcripts are also available for the episodes. Coffee Break French: Designed to be enjoyed during a coffee break or any other time you have a few minutes to practice your French, Coffee Break French is a series of brief, 10 to 15 minute podcasts that are fun and interesting. These lessons cover everything you need to know about the French language, including vocabulary, grammar, culture, and of course, pronunciation. The shows four seasons start at bonjour and gradually build to cover topics for advanced learners, so there is something here for everyone. The episodes are available for free, but you can download a set of transcripts and worksheets to accompany them if you wish. FrenchPod101: This podcast uses both audio and video lessons to help you improve your pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, and discover the French culture. Lessons range from beginner to advanced. Every podcast is labeled according to its difficulty level so that you can find material that is perfectly suited for your needs and abilities. You can find even more video content on the FrenchPod101 YouTube channel. In addition to using these resources, working  with a language tutor is one of the best ways to quickly improve your French pronunciation. Because they will be working with you one-on-one, they can provide you with instant feedback on your pronunciation to correct any minor errors before they turn into bad habits. Your tutor will also be able to address any questions about French pronunciation that you have and offer pointers to help you pronounce the many beautiful sounds of the French language. Do you know any other great resources for studying French pronunciation online? Share them with us and our community of language learners in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Ray_from_LA

How to Build Self-Confidence - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Build Self-Confidence - Introvert Whisperer How to Build Self-Confidence Do you sometimes get a sudden burst of confidence and energy, only to be discouraged a few minutes later? Do you convince yourself that you don’t have what it takes every time you want to learn a new skill, change a habit, meet new people or try something new? Or tell yourself that its still not the right time? Yes, I know how you feel. Its easier to just let it all go and wait for a miracle to happen that will change both you and your life. The bad news is that this wont happen. Sorry to be the one to burst your bubble. The good news is that YOU can make it happen IF you truly want it. What you need to keep in mind, though, is that change is uncomfortable and that it wont be easy. Self-confidence is a skill that you can learn and get better at through practice. A lot of factors can influence your level of self-confidence, but what stops you from showing it is the fear that being truly yourself will elicit social disapproval. We are afraid of other people’s judgement. But you know what? You are holding yourself back by letting others decide what is and what is not acceptable for you to do. That is sad, isnt it? “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” Denis Waitley Have you ever noticed how you like to gravitate towards people with charisma and self-confidence? How you are less attracted to somebody who is really good-looking, but doesn’t have a certain je ne sais quoi about them? Self-confidence matters more than you think. Here’s the truth: you already have it somewhere in you, but you haven’t learned how to use that energy and use it to your advantage. You haven’t changed yet because you dont believe enough in yourself and you fear social disapproval. So, how are you supposed to do this?   By improving yourself, you will also boost your self-confidence: Find your purpose. Without a strong reason or purpose, everything in life becomes difficult. If you want to raise your self-esteem, you need to have a meaningful purpose in your life. Just think about it and come up with something you want to contribute to the world. Write down your goals and do your best. Those who write down their goals accomplish significantly more than those who dont. You can significantly increase your self-confidence by setting and achieving your goals. If you know you’re doing your best on a daily basis, you won’t have any issues with self-esteem. Value yourself. How much do you respect yourself? Treat yourself with more respect and you will begin to feel better about yourself. The better you feel about yourself, the more self-confident you will be. If you dont know your values, call your close friends and ask them what they appreciate about you the most. Make a list. This might feel weird at first, but dont give up. Thank them and tell them what you appreciate about them in return.   Challenge yourself. Put yourself in positions where you might get rejected. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Get out of your comfort zone. An effective way of putting a stop to potentially damaging thought patterns is to interrupt the thinking with a challenge. What is your biggest fear? Are you afraid of public speaking? Do crowds terrify you? Whatever the case may be, go ahead and do it. Face the fear. Practice until you get comfortable with it and finally overcome it. Dont be afraid to fail. Failure is part of the process of success. Become aware of your actions and thoughts and your self-worth will increase a lot. People are not generally very conscious of their actions and thoughts, and each time they do things which are not according to their values, they lose a bit of their self-esteem. By raising your awareness, you become more aware of your thoughts and actions, and you start acting in accordance with your values. This ultimately leads to you feeling good about yourself. Dont take things personally. If someone didn’t laugh at your joke, it doesnt mean that they think youre a dolt. Maybe the joke just wasn’t funny.  And that’s OK. You’ve told funny jokes before. You are still charming. Be thirsty for knowledge. Always ask. If you don’t ask, the answer will always be NO. Invest in your personal development. Its always worth it. Learn one new thing a day. Read books while in public transport, listen to audiobooks while walking, take some self-improvement courses. Start learning by doing and practicing. Be more of a giver, instead of a taker. Be thankful for everything you already have. You can also try building someone else’s confidence and see just how beneficial it is for both of you. Being compassionate towards other people, as well as ourselves, will infuse meaning into our interactions and help build self-esteem on both sides. Learn to use your emotions to think, not think with your emotions. When you feel something uncomfortable, dont run from it, just stop, and think about why  you feel like this. Let it be and observe. You will find your answers. You will not find answers if you push everything under a carpet and pretend nothing’s happening. Low or super high self-esteem is directly related to our emotions. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is destructive in so many ways and it’s pointless, because you are unique. You are not them. Most of the time, we compare our failure to someone else’s success, but you need to keep in mind that this is not real. Compare yourself to who you were, who you are now, and who you want to become. Believe in yourself. Accept your personal weaknesses and imperfections as a part of you. You need to love yourself. Nobody is perfect. Dont worry about what other people think. You only get one life. Dont waste it trying to please other people. Eventually, you will develop your inner confidence. This means that, no matter the situations you find yourself in (being rejected, failing at something, being fired from your job etc), your inner balance will remain untouched and youll come back stronger. Bio: Janja is a passionate Growth Hacker at KickAss Growth with an M.A. in Multimedia Communications and Public Relations. Her fields of expertise range from MarketingCommunication to Sales and she likes to provide value. You can tweet Janja  @JanjaJovanovic  or connect with her on  LinkedIn. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

The Best Food for Students to Cook

The Best Food for Students to Cook What Are the Best Student Dishes ChaptersSweet Potato FriesThe Poke BowlA Different Take on a Cheese and Ham ToastyChocolate Mug CakeOne Pot Pasta CarbonaraAvocado ToastLemon Pasta“Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.” - Gordon RamsayDuring your time as a student, you’ll be restricted due to your budget: a small flat, a small fridge, a small kitchen, etc. In short, you won’t be working in a professional kitchen when you’re a student.There are simple and quick recipes that are adapted to the student budget that are good for you, too. Since students are restricted by what they can make, a good number of them aren’t able to eat a balanced diet.This is due to fast-food, takeaways, or the ready-meals and instant noodles students tend to eat. However, students can find alternatives like spinach tagliatelli, stuffed peppers, etc. There are plenty of quick and balanced meals for students.So which are the best recipes for students to co ok?Let’s have a look. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSweet Potato Fries“Simple ingredients prepared in a simple way - that's the best way to take your everyday cooking to a higher level.” - Jose AndresMore and more students are opting for sweet potatoes and with good reason! In fact, this plant is healthier than its cousin, the potato. It has a low glycemic index but also 50% more fibre and plenty of nutrients (vitamins B2, B6, C, A, and beta-Carotene).Sweet potatoes are great alternative to potatoes. (Source: auntmasako)It’s a tasty and healthy option. As a student, easy cooking also needs to be quick and this ingredient is ideal, especially as fries. This is a good dish that’s healthy and tasty. To make sweet potato fries, you’ll need:Sweet potatoOlive oilPepperSaltYou can make this for three people or keep the leftovers in the fridge for a few days. Preheat the oven to 200 °C and cut the sweet potato into small fries. Spread the fries onto some tinfoil, add salt, pepper, and a dash of olive oil. Roast for 30 to 40 minutes until your fries are crispy and you’re done!You can also add some herbes de Provence or spices of your choice. While the original recipe is great, it’s not set in stone.Additionally, since this dish only includes veggies, it's suitable for vegetarians.The Poke BowlThe poke bowl has become very trendy recently and it helps that it’s a great dish for students. This tradi tional Hawaiian dish is balanced, healthy, and easy to make. It’s great when you’re cooking on a budget.More and more people are beginning to enjoy poke bowls. (Source: pokebrosau)There’s not a lot of cooking involved (just the rice) and you can put almost anything you want into it. Chickpeas, carrots, edamame, raw salmon, anything’s possible!You can make a poke bowl for four people with the following ingredients:3 cups of riceTwo raw salmon filletsTwo avocadosHalf a cucumber3 cups of edamameSesame vinegarCook the rice as instructed, cut the avocado, salmon, and cucumber into small cubes, put it all in a bowl, and you’re done! You can also add coriander, sesame seeds, etc.Easy, isn’t it?In addition to being healthy, this dish works with a student’s budget and includes a lot of vitamins and omega 3. You can make it as often as you like!Get cooking classes London on Superprof.A Different Take on a Cheese and Ham ToastyRather than a cheese and ham toasty, we’re going to be making a salmon and cream cheese toasty. It goes without saying that this is an easy-to-make dish and it's better than your standard sandwiches.It’s almost the same! For two people, you’ll need:4 slices of smoked salmon.120g of herb cream cheese.4 slices of bread.The preparation doesn’t differ much to a cheese toasty. Toast the bread. Spread the cream cheese onto the toast and onto the salmon and place the salmon onto the toast. Then you’re free to taste it.This simple recipe costs very little to make! GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30 /h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsChocolate Mug CakeThis is a sweet recipe that can be made in just three minutes! It’s basically a chocolate cake that you can make in a mug with the help of a microwave.For one person, you’ll need:A mug40 grams of dark chocolate40 grams of butter30 grams of sugar20 grams of flour1 eggPut 40g of chocolate and 40g of butter into the bottom of a mug and melt it all in 30 seconds in the microwave. Mix it and add 30g of sugar and an egg, then add 20g of flour. Cook this for 40 seconds in the microwave, and you’re good to go!Who said student cooking had to be boring?One Pot Pasta CarbonaraOne-pot pasta is an interesting cooking technique that you can use to quickly make a meal without having loads of dishes to do. This is very useful if you have a small kitchen. Let’s start with a basic recipe: pasta carbonara.This is your basic carbonara recipe simplified. For fou r people, you’ll need:250 grams of spaghetti.200 grams of lardons.1 onion.300ml of creme fraiche.600ml of water.100 grams of parmesan.Salt and pepper.Peel and chop the onions and put the water and a bit of oil into a pan. Place the spaghetti, chopped onion, and lardons into the water and cook them all together. Stir regularly until all the water has been absorbed. This part’s done.Take the pan off the heat and add the creme fraiche and parmesan and season with the salt and pepper. Your creamy pasta dish is now ready!Avocado ToastAvocado toast has become quite fashionable as of late since it’s healthy and simple. This recipe is great for students because it’s simple, cheap, and doesn’t require a lot of cooking. You can also add a poached egg if you fancy.Avocado toast is full of nutrients. (Source: FoodieFactor)For two avocado toasts, you’ll need:Two slices of bread.A ripe avocado.Feta or cream cheese.Salt and pepper.Seeds of your choice (sunflower, sesame, etc.).Two eggs (optional).Spread your cheese onto the toast, slice the avocados, and put them onto the toast. Season with salt and pepper and add your seeds. You can always add a poached egg if you want.Lemon PastaHere’s an interesting dish that you might want to try. It’s original and easy to make and it’s tastier than dry pasta.The sourness of the lemon brings something to this dish that’s greater than the sum of its parts. To make lemon pasta for two people, you just need:200 grams of pasta30 grams of lightly salted butter200ml of cream30 grams of grated cheese1 lemon1 sprig of tarragonSalt and pepperAdd lemon zest to the grated cheese. Cook the pasta as instructed in water. In another pan, melt the butter, add the lemon and cheese, cream, and the juice of the lemon, and season.In just a few steps, you can make a tomato sauce. (Source: Daria-Yakovleva)Strain the pasta and add it to the sauce, gently cook in the pan for two minutes until the sauce thickens. Add a bit of tarragon and the re you go! Bon appetit!Thanks to these recipes, you can cook delicious, healthy, and cheap meals.Who said student cooking had to be boring?If you're struggling to cook, consider getting help from one of the private tutors on Superprof. There are three main types of tutorials available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Group tutorials tend to be the cheapest per hour since you're sharing the cost of the hour with the other students attending the lesson. Of course, this means that the service won't be as bespoke as a private face-to-face or online tutorial. However, if you and a few friends want to learn how to cook, this might be the best option.Face-to-face tutorials cost more than group tutorials but you'll also get a more tailored service. Generally speaking, this type of tutorial is much more costly but it's also far more cost-effective. Each tutorial will be tailored to the student, their learning style, and their learning objectives.If you want tail ored tutorials but at a lower cost, you should consider online tutorials. If you've got a decent internet connection, a webcam, and a programme like Skype, you can get online tutorials from one of the tutors on Superprof.At the end of the day, you need to pick the right type of tutorial for you. After all, every student is different and you need to get the right tutor for your personality, your learning style, and your budget. Every type has its advantages and disadvantages so take your time choosing the right one. Fortunately, a lot of tutors offer the first hour of tuition for free.

A Student Review of University of Notre Dame

A Student Review of University of Notre Dame The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Kenny is a St. Louis tutor specializing in Algebra tutoring, Calculus tutoring, History tutoring, and a number of other areas. He is currently a junior at University of Notre Dame majoring in Economics and Math. See what he had to share about University of Notre Dame: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Kenny: The University of Notre Dame campus is very beautiful. It is about an hour east of Chicago, and it is quite safe. The schools campus police swiftly handle any criminal incidents. Because the alumni and administration want to maintain a safe and friendly environment, the campus is only accessible via one main road. Buses, however, are available to take students to and from Midway and OHare Airports in Chicago. There is also an Amtrak station close by, as well as a regional airport approximately 10 minutes from campus. Many students own bikes, and they use them during the fall and spring months to more quickly access areas of campus that are far from their dorms. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Kenny:Most professors hold office hours at last three times per week, and they are often available even when they do not have posted office hours. The same is true of teaching assistants. The professors are very personable, and they are quick to respond to any difficulties you may have. The academic advisers are intelligent, engaged, and quick to respond to student needs. The First Year of Studies advisers are particularly helpful in leading each freshman to the best course of study for them. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Kenny:University of Notre Dame dorm life is very active. Students are interested in their hallmates, and you are likely to make many friends wherever you live. In other words, because the school has no fraternities, dorm communities often become tight-knit families. Rectors (headmasters) and resident assistants are, without fail, great leaders who make a vigorous effort to be involved (but not overly so) with the on-campus life of each dorm resident. The University of Notre Dame has several dining options, and its dining halls are among the best in the nation. One of them even looks like Hogwarts. The most incredible aspect of the University of Notre Dame, however, is the schools unique ability to unite strong athletics and academics with an inspired Catholic faith. No other school can offer this combination the way that University of Notre Dame does. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Kenny:The Mendoza College of Business has been ranked #1 for undergraduate study in the country. However, all schools (and all departments within the schools) are well represented and supported by University of Notre Dame administrators, alumni, and faculty. I studied Economics and Mathematics because I have always had a very analytical mind, and I love both Abstract and Applied Math. My professors and classmates inspired me to pursue a graduate degree in Economics. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Kenny:Due to its reputation as a strong Catholic institution, Greek life is literally nonexistent at University of Notre Dame. Nonetheless, and perhaps due to this unique attribute, meeting other freshmen and upperclassmen who share similar interests, goals, and values is very easy (and enjoyable). I can confidently recall having made 10 close friends within my first two weeks of college. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Kenny:The Career Center, Student Activities Office, and University Health Services are all very helpful. The University of Notre Dame hosts over 300 student-led organizations, and the Mental Health Center is a great resource for students who find themselves struggling to adjust to college life. The Career Center ensures that students have the opportunity to accept internships and jobs from such companies as Pfizer, JPMorgan, John Deere, and the American Enterprise Institute. However, the Career Center also ensures that students who wish to pursue advanced degrees have all the necessary resources to do so. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Kenny:The University of Notre Dames study areas are many and varied. Students can choose to study in one of their dorms lounges, the bookstore, the LaFortune Student Center, the Hesburgh Library (which boasts 3.39 million volumes and 14 stories), or one of the several other libraries around campus. Each of these study spaces offers something different some are busy, some are very quiet, some are best for group projects, and others are best for an intense final review before that Econometrics exam you almost forgot to study for. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Kenny:The campus of the University of Notre Dame offers everything that many students desire. As a result, some students may never feel a need to leave. However, when they do want to relieve stress, South Bend has several friendly bars, a fun nightclub, a minor league baseball team, and many opportunities for service. While some students spend their evenings in prayer and reflection with a few of their closest friends, others attend events off-campus. The University Park Mall and the Eddy Street Commons host several retail outlets, local restaurants, and a few evening happy hours close to campus. For many, the 57 chapels or Grand Basilica offer a refuge from the busy week of studying and extracurricular activity that almost all University of Notre Dame students undertake. The school can be as exciting or as conservative as you desire. In short, the University of Notre Dame community is incredibly well rounded and offers much for everyone. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Kenny:University of Notre Dames student body (including graduate students) is approximately 12,000 people. Around 8,000 of these students are undergraduates, a size that allows many students to know each other well without imposing on one anothers personal space. I was very pleased with my typical class sizes. I often shared the class with enough students to form study groups, but I also developed a strong personal relationship with many of my professors. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Kenny:My favorite class as a student at University of Notre Dame was Econometrics. Though many students have claimed this to be the most difficult course in the Economics major, I emerged from the class more determined to attend graduate school than ever before. My professor, the department chair, was a very difficult instructor. He was also one of the brightest, most inspiring men I have ever had the opportunity to know. Check out Kennys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.